Bing Ads To Disallow Recreational Guns & Gun Accessories

Posted On 21 Jun 2018
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Bing announced they are not going to be allowing advertisements on the Bing Ads search network for recreational guns or any sort of gun accessory after July 1, 2018.

This excludes items such as bb guns, paintball guns, or air rifles and accessories or devices that can be attached to weapons, used to create ammunition, or aid in the reloading process.

Bing said this does not include items that are “not attachable to a weapon or aid in the reloading process,” such as e safety equipment like goggles, earplugs, gun safes, cleaning kits, holsters, and concealed carry clothing, Bing added.

Bing wrote:

Our policies already disallowed ads featuring firearms, integral weapon parts, and ammunition. The inclusion of additional weapon-related products will help bring more consistency to our ad network. This change will also help reduce confusion about products advertised. Many of the recreational type guns like air rifles look like real guns and consumers may be led to click on offers that are different than their expectations. Finally, this change responds to the feedback from Bing Ads publishers who have similar policies in place.

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