Android Apps to Let Users Delete Their Accounts and Data

Posted On 03 May 2023
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Google is implementing a major change in Android, requiring that developers give users a way delete their accounts and data.

While certainly convenient, the plethora of mobile apps many people use can be a major security risk. The more apps a person uses, the more their personal data is scattered across various platforms and services, opening additional attack vectors if those services are compromised.

Google is working to limit the threat with a new data retention policy:

Google Play has launched a number of recent initiatives to help developers build consumer trust by showcasing their apps’ privacy and security practices in a way that is simple and easy to understand. Today, we’re building on this work with a new data deletion policy that aims to empower users with greater clarity and control over their in-app data.

For apps that enable app account creation, developers will soon need to provide an option to initiate account and data deletion from within the app and online. This web requirement, which you will link in your Data safety form, is especially important so that a user can request account and data deletion without having to reinstall an app.

Developers have until December 7 to begin answering questions in their app’s Data Safety section. Developers that need more time can apply for an extension, giving them until May 31, 2024 to comply.

Google’s decision is good news for users and will hopefully give them more control over their data.

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