Seven tools to help build relationships and increase your sales

Posted On 06 Aug 2018
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The sales process is all about nurturing long-term relationships and building trust, and luckily there are some great tools to help!

There is no magic spell for better sales, no matter how much we wish there were. Likewise there is no special set of words, prospect investigation device, or rated handshake that is going to get someone to buy your products.

Good old connections are pretty much all you have to go on. That includes relationship building, which is one of the most important factors in gaining long-term customers who will come to you again and again.

Here are seven tools that can help you build those relationships and increase your sales.

1. Salesmate

Salesmate creates and organizes a solid ground for your relationship by collecting all kinds of interactions you have had with your lead. Additionally, it saves you time entering the data by automatically generating and cross-referencing details and interaction history between lists and databases.

It’s also one of the most affordable sales management tools available, so give it a try!

2. Rapportive

Get information on your contacts right in your Gmail through Rapportive. They connect through contact information to LinkedIn profiles, and show the latest info on each prospect. You will get a picture, work information, former work information, and more. All right there in your Gmail account.

It is a super easy way to customize your communications, by drawing out any relevant information that you may want to include in your message. You would be surprised by what a difference those personal touches make.

3. Charlie App

Want even more info? Charlie App is an amazing tool that will do all the contact research on your prospects for you, and then create a report for you to use. I love using this one before meetings, where there are multiple people involved in the process.

You can get your report, be prepared when you walk in, and impress them with your extensive knowledge on who they are, what they do, and even their latest social media posts. It is a great way to personalize meetings, and be on the right foot the moment you enter the door.

4. Intercom

Convert people right from your website using Intercom‘s live chat feature. Communicate in the long term with those customers to keep them happy. Give awesome customer service from the same platform.

The entire point of this tool is to make your customers feel valued and individually catered to. No automated CRM’s, no bots, just one on one communication between your team and the people who make your business grow.’

5. Calendly

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could let your prospects pick the best time to meet, while still meeting your busy schedule? Calendly is just that magical tool. It lets you set your availability, then link anyone. They can pick a time that works best for them, and set a meeting when you are able to have one.

Then it automatically adds that meeting to your calendar so you never have a scheduling faux pas. Your whole team can use this tool and better manage their meetings and appointments, whether they are in person, on the phone, or online.

6. Click Meeting

Click Meeting lets you set up sales meeting and demo calls easily. It integrates with numerous apps including Youtube, Google Calendar and more. You can get analytics and other important data on your meetings. They also offer free mobile apps which is so important these days.

While it might cost a bit, it is worth it if you are serious about offering audio and video conference calls. You don’t want to blow a sale because you were trying to connect over Skype and kept dropping the call.

7. Boomerang

One of the most annoying things about Gmail is that they still don’t have a feature that allows you to schedule emails to be sent at a later date. If you want to do that, you have to have another tool. Luckily Boomerang is there.

It is a Chrome extension that lets you schedule those messages, as well as ‘postpone’ messages until a later time that you aren’t ready to have in your inbox. So that message you got after hours that you know will drive you crazy if it is sitting in your inbox, taunting you? Hide it with a click!

Do you have any tools to add? Anything that helps build relationships for sales teams? Let us know in the comments!

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