Are The SEO Weather Tools Off Again On Algorithmic Changes?

Posted On 27 Jun 2018
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Whenever the automated tracking “SEO Weather” tools go off, I get tons of people telling me there was an update. They tell me this not based on them noticing any ranking changes, traffic changes or changes to the search results but based on the tools going off.

Well, Mozcast went off on Friday and truth is, I did not see an update based on community chatter. Normally if there is a large update, the SEO community is both complaining about ranking declines and boasting about ranking improvements. I see no such chatter at large scale.

It is weird, in the past, my signals for tracking these updates and the tools signals were pretty close. In fact, I’d see the chatter and within 24-48 hours, the tools would report it. Now, it seems something is funky going on with the tools.

Here is a screen shot showing Mozcast reporting 90+ degree weather and it being stormy all weekend. Again, I do not see it.

Same with the reports from a month ago – I did not see any major update then.

Of course, I can be wrong. But I mean, I have been tracking Google updates since before the Florida 2003 shift. Typically I’d see complaints.

Yes, SEOs are eager for Penguin to run but I do not know how far off it is.

It seems many SEOs are now desensitized around Penguin and believe it will never run. I do believe it will run again and then be real time, but when that will happen is anyone’s guess.

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