Say Goodbye to VBScript

Posted On 13 Oct 2023
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VBScript is joining the list of long-time features that Microsoft is removing from future versions of Windows.

VBScript gives users and developers the ability to use Visual Basic-like syntax for scripting and automation, as the company described in a documentation page:

VBScript talks to host applications using Windows Script. With Windows Script, browsers and other host applications do not require special integration code for each scripting component. Windows Script enables a host to compile scripts, obtain and call entry points, and manage the namespace available to the developer. With Windows Script, language vendors can create standard language run times for scripting. Microsoft will provide run-time support for VBScript. Microsoft is working with various Internet groups to define the Windows Script standard so that scripting engines can be interchangeable. Windows Script is used in Microsoft Internet Explorer and in Microsoft Internet Information Service.

According to an October 2023 announcement, Microsoft has decided to deprecate VBScript and drop it from future versions of Windows:

VBScript is being deprecated. In future releases of Windows, VBScript will be available as a feature on demand before its removal from the operating system.

There is no word on exactly when it will be dropped.

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