How To Maintain Your Company Culture When Hiring Abroad

Posted On 13 Sep 2023
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The Covid-19 pandemic taught many people patience. It taught some humility and humanity, but it also gave the world a chance to connect through technology. Remote work boomed during the pandemic, and although many companies have returned on-site, new doors have been opened for many companies. Online work can be a win-win solution. Employees enjoy being in the comfort of their homes while employers can cut overhead.

One of the biggest advantages of remote work is the drastic increase in the pool of qualified candidates. Without worrying about gas prices or immigration laws, remote work allows employers to hire candidates based on their skill set, regardless of location. However, the virtual workspace can be more vulnerable to disturbances as workers are not directly supervised. This could pose a risk to both the operations and culture of the organization.

To keep the workflow smooth, you need to communicate with all employees. Make them feel welcome, but lay down rules in a polite — yet professional — way. Here are five ways to keep off-site employees in harmony with your company’s core values.

1. Find the Right People

The employer’s job begins even before the employee joins the company. The qualifications and specifications of the required employee should be defined before recruitment. If you are willing to hire international employees, you need to ensure all payroll and compliance requirements are streamlined beforehand. Details like time-zone differences, internet availability, and language barriers should be discussed before anyone is onboarded.

During a candidate’s interview, ask questions about their interests and ideal work environment. Go beyond their resume to assess if their personality is compatible with your team. Share information about the company’s core values and gauge the candidate’s willingness to adhere. If a candidate disagrees with a quality that’s vital to your organization, they’re likely not the best fit..

2. Communicate Clearly

You need to set the precedent for your employees by keeping an open channel of communication. Establishing clear expectations and sharing company policies from the beginning can lead to a smooth onboarding process. Pay attention to their questions and concerns and answer honestly and clearly. This transparency can foster a sense of belonging, which can go a long way.

Remote workers often feel isolated, so make it a point to include them in all office events. Try various communication tools like instant messaging platforms, video conferencing, and project management software to stay connected. Have regular one-on-one talks, so that employees get a chance to speak to you on a personal level. Also, keep in mind that not everything should be about work. Create genuine bonds by having conversations to learn more about their daily life, interests, and plans for the future.

3. Work on Growth and Wellbeing

Every employee faces different challenges and making them all sit through a general talk on productivity is not the answer. Training goals must be customized according to an employee’s individual needs. Provide access to online webinars or workshops to enhance their skills and knowledge. This can be especially important for overseas employees who may not have had these opportunities before.

While helping employees strengthen their hard skills is important, you might also consider focusing on their health and wellness. It’s wise to look out for your worker’s general health and wellbeing to positively impact your organization’s culture. Promote a healthy work-life balance by supporting your remote team members’ well-being. Encourage regular breaks, offer flexible working hours, and discourage working overtime. Providing resources for mental health and wellness ensures your employees feel cared for, which positively impacts their performance.

4. Acknowledge and Show Appreciation

Celebrating employee accomplishments is essential for maintaining motivation and fostering a positive culture. Encourage them through shout-outs during team meetings, send personalized appreciation emails, or even offer small rewards like gift cards. Celebrating successes brings your team closer together, even when they’re miles apart.

And don’t wait for New Years to have a party! Take up any excuse to gather your employees for some fun. Have a small birthday celebration for all employees. Your remote workers may not get to taste the cake, but they can still join. Organize virtual team-building activities like online games, virtual happy hours, or remote workshops. These activities strengthen the sense of community and build trust among the team.

5. Create a Culture of Diversity

Company culture is created by the top management. You must act as an example and show your commitment to the company mission. Understand your employees’ needs and try to cater to them as best as possible. This could include providing a small prayer space or using inclusive language based on gender preferences. Offer a diversity-focused workshop for all employees to better understand the impact of their behavior on others.

Create safe spaces through platforms where employees can share their stories and provide feedback. Be prepared to face employee conflicts and be ready to have courageous conversations to resolve them. Trust is the backbone of successful teams, and it’s your job to empower your people to stand up for themselves.

Adapt to Changing Times

Review and revise company policies to ensure they are fair to all employees. Flexible medical benefits and parental leave policies are often an indicator of an employee-centric company. When you care for employees, the commitment will be reciprocated, and they’ll be willing to stay for the long run.

Employers need to understand that their work depends on their workers, and not the other way around. Recruiting qualified and competent workforce is one thing but retaining workers is another. Give your employees a healthy work environment and your business flourish.

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