Youtube brings products to YouTube for action ads

Posted On 01 Aug 2022
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YouTube is continuing to make more ads more shoppable.

Shoppable TrueView for action. In a new test, ecomm-erce advertisers can show products in their TrueView for action ads. When the users click on the expansion arrow in a TrueView for action banner, a selection of products appears below the video.

This test essentially merges the TrueView for action banner with the product listings of TrueView for shoppinng ads. You’ll need to have your Google Merchant Center account linked to your Google Ads account.

products in youtube trueview for action ads
Shoppable products in a TrueView for action ad.

Why we care. Last year, Google extended Shopping campaigns to the YouTube home feed and search results. With e-commerce booming and Facebook/Instagram and Amazon leading the charge in challenging Google and YouTube for retail ad dollars, we can expect to see even more happening in shoppable media and digital commerce marketing.

Video action campaigns. The new Video action campaign subtype, also announced Thursday, will show video ads across the YouTube home feed, watch pages and Google video partners inventory. New inventory sources will be added to the campaign type automatically.

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