Google Deploys Air Raid Alerts on Android to Help Ukrainians

Posted On 14 Mar 2022
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Google is deploying an Air Raid Alerts system for Android users in Ukraine, in an effort to help them stay safe.

Android is the most widely used mobile operating system (OS) on the market, especially outside of the US. With so many Ukrainians living under fear of aerial bombing, Google is looking to help individuals receive warning in time to take shelter.

Tragically, millions of people in Ukraine now rely on air strike alerts to try to get to safety. At the request, and with the help, of the government of Ukraine, we’ve started rolling out a rapid Air Raid Alerts system for Android phones in Ukraine. This work is supplemental to the country’s existing air raid alert systems, and based on alerts already being delivered by the Ukrainian government.

With tech companies often in the news for negative reasons, it’s nice to see the good tech companies can do, using their products and services to help save lives.

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