New Bing Ads Editor Version (10.7) Now Available

Posted On 05 Feb 2021
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Changes include some subtle but welcome usability updates and, best of all, the ability to edit the text of keywords that have already been synced.

Today, the latest Bing Ads Editor, the indispensable desktop tool for (PC users only) managing campaigns, is now available with several new features. Here’s a look at what the new BAE has to offer.

Interface Changes: You’ll notice some updates in the layout of the new BAE. These aren’t huge changes, but the use of more traditional and prominent icons as well as a change from using all caps is welcome and makes navigating that much easier

bing ads editor 10.7Keyword Text Editing: The biggest win is probably the ability to edit keywords in the editor pane after they’ve been synced to the cloud. This was one of those seemingly small problems that was actually quite frustrating. All fixed now, so you can edit your keyword text all you want.

Radius Targeting: Radius targets are now included in the location targeting window in a new tab next to Area targeting.

Downloading & Uploading:  The new version also offers more control over which campaigns you can download with a “Campaigns I select” option. You also have the ability to download basic campaign data (read: faster) or to include first page bid estimates, top-of-page bid estimates and quality score in addition to the basics. Similarly, BAE now lets you post changes to an individual campaign rather than in all campaigns.

Here’s a quick overview video from the Bing Ads team on the updates:


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