6 fundamental SEO truths to live by

Posted On 02 Jul 2020
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This “Declaration of SEO” from Bruce Clay presents guiding principles for creating or implementing a website and/or SEO program.

This “Declaration of SEO” from Bruce Clay presents the guiding principles that every website owner, website publisher and search engine professional should adhere to when creating or implementing a website and/or SEO program.

In the course of business, it becomes necessary for both brands and SEO professionals to take responsibility for the performance of the websites that they run and manage.

We hold the following six SEO truths to be self-evident …

  1. SEO needs to be a strategic initiative across the company.
  2. SEO should beat the competition not the algorithm.
  3. SEO done right cares about content architecture.
  4. It’s not the job of SEO to make a pig fly.
  5. Cheap SEO is a near-death experience.
  6. SEO is done when Google stops changing things and all your competition dies.
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