7 Ways to Improve Your Site’s Ranking

Posted On 10 Apr 2020
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When your web pages do not appear as high as you would like in search engine rankings, it helps to take a step back and review everything that you are doing. You should look at everything from the content that you create to the design of your website.While SEO and search rankings can be a bit mysterious, there are steps that you can take to begin climbing search rankings. So, if you need a little boost, then take a moment to look at these 7 ways to improve your site’s ranking.

#1 – Make Sure That You Provide Quality Content

First and foremost is the quality of your content. If you create helpful information that people actually enjoy reading, then the rest will come naturally. This should be the foundation of your SEO strategy.

When you write content, you should always write for a human audience. This means worrying about keywords should be a secondary concern. Add keywords naturally into your content. Use variations of your keywords to make them less repetitive.

#2 – Increase the Consistency of Your Content

Along with creating high – quality content, you should also look at your schedule for posting new content. The more consistent you are with your blog posts, emails, or social media posts, the better the results.

Websites that post new articles once per day during the weekdays often outperform sites that only post once per week. You should create a schedule for your content and stick to it. Not only will this help with your SEO and search rankings, it will help your regular visitors remember when to visit your site for new content.

#3 – Pay Attention to the Meta Data

Every time that you write a new article or create a new web page, you need to pay attention to the metadata. This mainly includes the title and description of the web page.

The page title displays at the top of the browser. When it appears in search engine results, it will often get cut off after about 60 to 70 characters. Though, this could be changing. Google has been experimenting with displaying longer titles.

Make sure that your title is direct and to the point. When someone reads your title on a search result page, they should instantly know what type of content they are going to find when they open the link.

The description should be kept to under 150 characters and more than 100 characters. Use the description to entice people to view your page. Instead of repeating your title in the description, it should be a continuation of your title. Offer additional info about what your content will contain.

#4 – Use ALT Tags with Every Image

Whenever you include images in a web page, they should include an ALT tag. This gives you an opportunity to include more keywords in your content without taking away from the readability of your content.

An ALT tag is used by search engines to determine the subject of the image. This tag was created for ease of use. People that are blind or using a browser that does not display images can understand the relevance of the image thanks to this ALT description.

#5 – Include Videos in Your Content

The use of video is becoming more popular, thanks to the rise of mobile usage. People on mobile devices prefer to watch video content instead of reading an article. If you can provide both options on the same page, you will be able to decrease your bounce rates, which will have a positive impact on your search rankings.

#6 – Analyze Your Website Using SEO Tools

You should also analyze your website using SEO tools. There are quite a few options available, including Moz, Raven, and Mondovo.

Moz SEO Tools include both free and paid options. The free set of tools includes Open Site Explorer. With Open Site Explorer, you can find link building opportunities.

With Raven Tools, you can audit your website and discover on – page SEO issues that may be keeping you from climbing search engine rankings. They also offer marketing tools that can help save money and time.

Mondovo is a paid service that gives you access to 11 SEO tools and 4 social media tools. These resources will help you analyze your site and check various metrics. This includes your current rankings, keyword performance, and other important details.

#7 – Make Sure Your Site Works on All Devices

The final tip for improving your site’s rankings is to make sure that your site works on all devices. This year, more people used the internet from mobile devices than desktop computers or laptops. This means that your site needs to work well on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

A streamlined site is essential for mobile use. Your pages need to load quickly without a lot of plugins or extra features. Basically, you need to keep things simple.

So, if your search rankings need improvement, then consider using some of these suggestions. Remember to focus on creating high – quality content & check the visitor behavior using Google Analytics.

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