Apple Widened Its Tablet Lead in 2019

Posted On 03 Feb 2020
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IDC’s year-end report on the tablet market shows good news for Apple and, to a lesser extent, Amazon—and bad news for pretty much everyone else.

According to IDC’s research, Apple widened its market share lead over the course of 2019, going from 29.6% in 2018 to 34.6% in 2019. In particular, the 10.2-inch iPad was a big hit, accounting for 65% of the company’s tablet sales.

Amazon also had a decent year. Although the company posted a 29% decrease in 4Q19 shipments, compared with Q418, Amazon saw an overall increase of 9.9% market share for the year in total, compared with 2018.

In contrast, Samsung, Huawei, Lenovo and others all saw declines in the their market share. Even the segment in general saw an overall decline of 1.5%, making Apple and Amazon’s positive results all the more impressive.

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