
Why Do Users Need To Start Web Push Notification?

 Reach online customer, no matter they engaged with your website or not. You can reach to your customer whenever they are online or busy with other web browsers. It is the best web communication way to reach the audience even they are not active with you.  No need for Email...
Posted On 22 Sep 2018
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Google & Bing increase the file size limit of Sitemaps files

While the 50,000 URL limit has not changed, your Sitemaps file size can now be up to 50MB. Google and Bing announced jointly that they have increased the file size limit of Sitemaps files from 10MB to 50MB. That means the uncompressed version must now be under 50MB, no longer...
Posted On 22 Sep 2018
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Google Maps Now Hiding Addresses From Listings

When you do a search in Google Maps for a local business, let’s say [dentist nyc] or something like that, Google will show a listing of matches on the left hand side of the maps. Google use to show the address of the local listing in the snippets on the left hand side but...
Posted On 22 Sep 2018
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What You Can Lose If You Are Not Aware Of Web Push Notification?

Web Push Notifications are the popup that appears on the screen of the user whenever they access any browser on their system. It is a marketing technique that is used to make the customers engage with your website. This process is the quickest and cheapest way to deliver a...
Posted On 22 Sep 2018
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