It’s Live: Google Speed Update Now Rolling Out

Posted On 16 Jul 2018
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This morning, July 9th, Google has begun rolling out the Google Speed Update that they first announced in January 2018. Google has updated their blog post this morning, as I wrote at Search Engine Land, “Update July 9, 2018: The Speed Update is now rolling out for all users.”

Google did not add any more detail but did post on Twitter the following information:

We had some confusion around this mobile Speed Update, which we got clarification on last week. In short, these are the important points:

  • Only affects the slowest mobile sites
  • Incremental improve to your site can make big impacts in speed
  • Fast sites that go faster won’t see a ranking improvement

Of course, the big news is that it is live today, rolling out now. So if you see your mobile traffic change – i.e. get better or worse, that may be related to this change. If you have a slow mobile site and you see less traffic from Google and Google Search Console shows you ranking changes with mobile – then it might be related to this Speed Update. If you see more traffic, it might mean that your competitors are slow, super slow, on mobile.

So keep an eye on Google Search Console reporting and your traffic. I don’t believe Google will be sending notifications to webmasters that they are slow, since this is algorithmic.

As part of the original announcement, Google points webmasters to look at the new PageInsights report over here, also check the Chrome user experience report and use the Lighthouse tool.

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