
Bing Ads With Enhanced Targeting Settings & Dimensions Tab

Posted On 26 Jun 2018
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Bing Ads announced yesterday they launched enhancements to the targeting settings and dimensions tab. Specifically it now allows you to manage your targeting in bulk and shows you performance metrics inline through new location targeting, ad schedule targeting, and device targeting settings.

Bing explained:

Previously, to adjust your location targets for multiple campaigns, you would need to visit the Settings tab for each campaign one by one to make changes. Also, since you couldn’t see performance data for the location targets on the Settings tab, you had to run a geographic report from the Reports page to determine new bid modifier values.Now you can see your targeting performance and make changes in one place. When you go to the new Locations option on the Settings tab, you’ll see the performance data for your location targets, decide which targets need to be modified, and make changes such as bid adjustments, adding new targets or removing existing targets. And you can make changes in bulk across each of our campaigns by selecting them from the grid and clicking the Set bid adjustment button.

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