Google Says They Will Keep FTC Commitments After Required Deadline

Posted On 17 May 2018
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So Google announced the other day, as I covered at Search Engine Land, that they are keeping their “current practices regarding the AdWords API Terms and Conditions and the domain-by-domain opt-out following the expiration of the voluntary commitments.”

That means, they will continue to allow third-party tools to bring in data from their AdWords platform. For example, Bing Ads can continue to bring in campaign and ad and keyword data from Google AdWords using the API. Other tool vendors can also use the AdWords API to bring in data from AdWords.

It also means that Google will continue to allow web sites to opt out of showing their content in Google. So this looks a little bit of a spin on things. Recode reported Google isn’t going to start scraping (i.e. crawling) sites now that its settlement is offer with the FTC. So sites like Yelp and other review sites can continue to opt out of showing on Google, if they don’t want their reviews there? Maybe? We will see because I am not too sure about that.

This announcement from Google is worded, at least to me, in a very confusing manner.

Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.

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